In the Official Gazette of the Federation of BiH No. 72/24 dated September 13, 2024, the Law on Amendments to the Waste Management Law was published.

This act significantly tightens the measures for legal entities and responsible persons within legal entities for violations of the provisions of the Waste Management Law. Fines are prescribed for the following cases:

Paragraph (4): A legal entity will be fined between 5,000 KM and 10,000 KM for an offense, and for repeated offenses, a fine ranging from 10,000 KM to 15,000 KM if:

  • It fails to submit an annual report to the Fund or system operator or submits an incomplete or inaccurate report as per Article 18a, paragraphs (3) and (4);
  • It fails to provide data to the waste management information system as per Article 37a.

Paragraph (5): The responsible person in the legal entity will be fined between 1,000 KM and 2,000 KM for an offense as per paragraph (4) of this Article, and for repeated offenses, the fine will range from 1,500 KM to 3,000 KM.

Paragraph (6): An individual conducting independent business activities/trades will be fined between 500 KM and 1,000 KM for an offense as per paragraph (4) of this Article, and for repeated offenses, the fine will range from 1,000 KM to 2,000 KM.

Paragraph (7): A natural person will be fined between 500 KM and 2,000 KM for an offense as per paragraph (1) of this Article, and for repeated offenses, the fine will range from 3,000 KM to 5,000 KM.

The full text of the Law on Amendments to the Waste Management Law can be downloaded from the following link: