Ekopak is a non-profit company established in 2011, with the aim of taking over the responsibility for fulfillment of legal obligations for recycling and recovery of packaging waste in Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina on behalf of packaging producers, importers, fillers, distributors and merchants. By obtaining license from Federal Ministry of Environment and Tourism on 29 May 2012, we became the first and leading PRO in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Our activities are based on the best EU practices, but on high business standards as well, in accordance with the standards of the company founders.

General Manager
- Implementation of legislative on packaging and packaging waste in accordance with the best European and worldwide experience and knowledge.
- Establishment and development of efficient and effective integrated system of packaging waste management for all types of packaging waste: glass, paper, metal, plastic, wood.
- Use of existing communal capacities for system establishment and its further development through system development.
- Use of experience and knowledge from the best EU countries' experience and knowledge.
- Fulfillment of legal obligations in accordance with the Ordinance on Packaging and Packaging Waste Management with the greatest possible ecological benefits, with minimal economic efforts and minimal impact on consumer prices for packaging products.
- All clients are being treated equally.
- Packaging fees will be calculated according to real costs per packaging material and there will be no cross subsidizing.
- There is no intention to make a profit; potential surplus will not be distributed to the owners but reinvested into the operation.
- We are committed to transparent work, based on all legal requests and are subject to all audit controls by authorized bodies and institutions.
- All submitted client data will be protected and treated as confidential.