Ekopak supports the educational project “Packaging-Product-Consumer-Environmental Protection”
Within the exhibition set on the third floor of the BBI Center in Sarajevo from March 22 to April 14 2014, on the “Zakopčaj me selotejpom” square, dresses made of the packaging waste of Ekopak’s clients by the well-known BH fashion designers are set.
Ekopak, as a friend of this project, supports this event with the main goals to promote using packaging and packaging waste in a different, creative way by which we want to affect the consciousness of the public about the importance of the packaging waste recycling; promote Ekopak as a company that establishes the system of packaging waste recovery and recycling in the Federation of BiH; promote clients of Ekopak as a socially responsible companies that are actively engaged in the establishment of the packaging waste collecting and recycling system in BiH and to promote the “Green Dot” as a new value on the market of BiH which represents a direct connection of our country with the rest of the Europe in the segment of packaging and packaging waste management.
We acknowledge and thank to the organizers: Institute of Packaging and Graphic Arts Tectus, Journal “Packaging” and Concept author Mrs. Drena Milijević, principal of the Institute of Packaging and Graphic Arts Tectus and editor of the Journal “Packaging”