Signed a Contract on establishment and development system of the postconsumer packaging waste collection in the Kladanj Municipality
Today, in the Kladanj Municipality, a ceremony on Ekopak, Kladanj Municipality and the Public Utility Service „Komunalac“ contract signing was arranged, with the objective to establish a system of separate packaging waste collecting and its preparation for recycling in the municipality.
The contract was signed by Mrs. Amela Hrbat, the general manager at Ekopak, Mr. Jusuf Čavkunović, the mayor of the Kladanj Muniipality and Mrs. Suvada Kavazović, general manager at the Public Utility Service „Komunalac“ Kladanj.
By the contract, Ekopak has committed to, along with the Government of Japan, participate in co-financing in procurement of two vehicles for waste transport. Apart from that, Ekopak will provide the Kladanj Municipality with the necessary infrastructure in order to have two eco-islands installed as well as adequate bins for separate packaging waste disposal set in all public institutions and schools.
In addition to the infrastructure investing, Ekopak, in cooperation with the municipality and „Komunalac“, is going to conduct adequate campaigns and educational activities so that the citizens recognize the benefits and welcome the separate packaging waste disposal practice.
Mrs. Suvada Kavazović, the managing director of the Public Utility Service „Komunalac“, has emphasized the importance of the established cooperation between Ekopak and the Utility Service „Komunalac“ Kladanj: „Implementation of the 'Development of the postconsumer packaging waste collection in the Kladanj Municipality' project is a step forward which will contribute to environmental protection and ecological establishment of the Kladanj Municipality. The main objective of the project is to affect consciousness of citizens thus devoting themselves to have Kladanj gain the image of ecologically clean town. The plan is to provide the citizens who opt in separating their waste with the adequate bags for packaging waste disposal. Two eco-islands will be set in Kladanj and Stupari.“
At the contract signing, the Mayor of the Kladanj Municipality, Mr. Jusuf Čavkunović, has stressed out how important this project is for the future development of the Kladanj Municipality. “The aim of this project is environmental protection and creating one of the conditions for a sustainable local community development through the increase of the public utility service capacities in the packaging waste management in accordance with the standards and good practice applied in the EU countries. I thank the Embassy of Japan, Federal Ministry of Environment and Tourism and Ekopak for the contribution in realization of these activities.”