Eco-schools BiH-Year overview
The international licensed program "Eco-schools" is the largest global program for education in the field of environmental protection and youth empowerment, which is currently implemented in 67 countries and over 60,000 schools and other educational institutions.
Since the end of 2018, the Eco-school program has been organized in Bosnia and Herzegovina by the Incubator of Social Innovations "MUNJA" with the info platform Hoć Thanks to EKOPAK - the first authorized operator of packaging waste management systems and other partners such as Coca-Cola in BiH, Tretrapak and Zeos, 33 primary schools and 27 secondary schools from all over the country are in Eco-schools program.
Despite the COVID-19 pandemic in the past school year we managed to implement these activities:
10/8/2019 Eleven (11) new primary schools joined the program, which is a total of 33 primary schools throughout BiH that decided to become part of this program, after the first annual meeting of the Eco-Schools of BiH for primary schools and the second INFO Seminar for new members.
11/27/2019 The program for high schools in cooperation with Coca-Cola in BiH was officially started in 2006, which included 27 high schools from different parts of the country after the basic seminar. During the pandemic, we managed to organize 2 online meetings with our members as well as the first special webinar for students called "Guide through Eco-schools", which resulted in the formation of a youth team and viber group where we share all information about the program. are local or international.
During the school year, the members of the Eco-school worked on certain steps of the international methodology (questionnaire on environmental assessment, action plan, formation of the Eco-board of the school, implementation of certain environmental actions and activities, participation in the Young Eco Reporters competition, etc.).
At the end of 2019, an invitation was opened for the international competition Young Eco Reporters and for primary and secondary schools. The state competition received over 70 papers in the categories of video work, reportage or photographs on environmental issues identified by students. In addition, 7 member schools have created international projects with schools from other countries. The winning works of our National Competition were sent to the International Competition, where out of a total of 182 entries, 4 from Bosnia and Herzegovina entered the finals, and the results are expected at the end of September.
For the first time, Bosnia and Herzegovina was present at the annual meeting of operators of 67 countries implementing the global Eco-school program (November 12-14, 2019, the Netherlands), where we had a nuber of bilateral activities and determined our strategic directions of the program.
In the period from 3.3.-6.3.2020. in Sarajevo, after Shanghai last year, Bosnia and Herzegovina hosted the Annual Meeting of National Operators of the International Young Eco Reporters Program. Over 30 representatives from different parts of the world participated in this event and a work plan for this global program was signed.
During the school year, two new partnerships were concluded: with Coca-Cola in BiH and Zeos - eco system.
Info service Eko-škola shared all the information via Facebook and Instagram pages with a total of 261 (Facebook) and 130 (Instagram) posts in the past school year. The total number of followers is 478 (Facebook) and 2,094 (Instagram).
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IG: Eko-škole BiH
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