In the Municipality of Bihac will be Established Thirty-One Eco-Islands
Today in Bihać, the director of PUC Komrad Mr. Hadis Jusić and director of Ekopak Amela Hrbat signed a Contract about establishment of the 31 eco-island in the Bihać Municipality.
Public Utility Company Komrad from Bihać
and Ekopak signed first Contract on cooperation last year and co-financed the
purchase of two vehicles for the collection of packaging waste.
With support of Ministry of Construction,
Urban Planning and Environmental Protection of USC, PUC Komrad has provided blue waste bins
for selective disposal of scrap paper. To make it functional and to provide
collection of other packaging materials (plastic, glass, multilayer materials,
metal) Ekopak will provide 64 waste bins (36 in green and 28 in yellow) in
order to establish 31 eco-island each of which contains three waste bins.
At this way the project ‘’Development of
the Primary Selection of Packaging Waste from Municipal Solid Waste in the
Municipality of Bihać’’ expends, we’ll be able to collect and transport for
recycling all kinds of packaging materials through system of Ekopak and Bihać
Municipality strengthens the image of a modern municipality in which environmental
protection and waste management is a significant segment.