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In the process of integration of Bosnia and Herzegovina to EU, our country has determined to adjust its legislative with Acquis Communitaire, respectively, legal acquisition of European Union. Harmonization of legal obligations is being implemented in all segments, including environmental protection.

EU directives and legislative, especially Directive 94/62/EC on packaging and packaging waste, defines principle of „extended producer responsibility“, respectively, responsibility of all subjects in the life-cycle of packaging; producers, fillers (producers of finished products), importers, distributers and merchants; to recycle and re-use packaging waste evolved on the market after consumption of their products in the percentages defined by the country, until the goals form the EU Directive are fulfilled.

Possibility for the packaging industry, i.e. legal obligors: packaging producers, fillers, importers, distributers and merchants, to establish their system operator, through which they fullfill their legal obligations, is a good practice accepted from European countries, proven to be the most efficient and most rational.

Seven leading companies from different packaging industries from Bosnia and Herzegovina founded Ekopak d.o.o. in accordance with the principle of „extended producer responsibility“, that is incorporated in the Ordinance of Packaging and Packaging Waste Management (Official Gazette of FB&H, no. 88/11, 28 December 2011)

Law on environmental protection
Law on waste management
Ordinance on packaging and packaging waste management
Amendments to the Ordinance on Packaging and Packaging Waste Management
EU Directive on packaging and packaging waste
Decision and Resolution on naming the Coordination Council for Monitoring of the Implementation of the Ordinance
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