Ekopak has continued its long-standing successful cooperation with JKP (public utility company) Komrad from Bihać in 2024. Recently, JKP Komrad delivered significant new quantities of packaging waste into theEkopak recycling system, marking another step forward in the joint efforts to achieve the planned RR targets for this year.

The cooperation between Ekopak and Komrad began in 2013, and since then, significant results have been achieved. Through this long-term collaboration, large quantities of packaging waste have been successfully separated from municipal waste in the area of the City of Bihać and directed towards recycling through the Ekopak system. This system enables efficient collection, sorting, and recycling of packaging waste, reducing the amount of packaging waste ending up in landfills and conserving valuable resources.

"We can proudly say that our cooperation with Komrad has yielded concrete results in reducing packaging waste. Such successes are crucial for our mission to improve the recycling system in our country, and thereby promote sustainable development," said Amela Hrbat, Director of Ekopak.