Management of glass packaging in the Western Balkans in BiH: Results presented at the National conference
National conference was held in Ilidža where the results of the project "Management of glass packaging in the Western Balkans" (Bihać, Konjic, Novi Travnik and Ilidža) were presented.
Presentations and project results were held by Ivica Sivrić, REDAH, Azra Ćulov, CETEOR and on behalf of PUC Rad Sarajevo, Remzija Avdibegović, Head of the Support Department.
Also, conference was attended by representatives of the City of Bihać and PUC Komrad Bihać, Novi Travnik Municipality and PUC Vilenica Čistoća Novi Travnik, as well as the FBiH Environmental Protection Fund, Pale municipality and Breza PUC 'Komunalno'.