Educational Project „The Planet's Smile is in Your Hands“ is Successfully Being Implemented in the Municipality Prozor-Rama
Within „The Planet's Smile is in Your Hands“ project that was initiated by Ekopak in cooperation with the Eco Association „Izvor“ in the Municipality Prozor-Rama the education is finished in eight schools so far and the competition in packaging waste collecting has been started.
The activists from the Eco Association „Izvor“ held interactive workshops in the following schools: Primary School Veselko Tenžera – Uzdol, Šćipe, fra Jeronim Vladić – Ripci, Rumboci, Orašac, Ivana Mažuranića Gračac, in the Primary School for Children with Special Needs: Djeca nade and in the Kindergarten Ciciban
The education on the importance of the separate packaging waste
disposal and recycling as well as the competition in packaging waste collecting
is going to involve all schools in the municipality by the end of October.
Also, the quiz in which the young participants will be able to show their
knowledge on recycling they acquired throughout the project will be held at
the end of the project. The prizes for the individual students, winners of the Eco-quiz and collective prizes for the schools will be delivered at the final
ceremony for all students.