On the eve of Balkan Meeting of Expra Alliance in Sarajevo Ekopak was visited by ''Expra'' director Joachim Quoden
On the eve of Expra alliance yearly meeting, in the rooms of Ekopak we have entertained Expra director Joachim Quoden and colleauges from Turkish CEVKO, also members of Expra, Mete Imera and Alphan Eröztürk.
It was a good chance for Expra colleagues to meet with our employees and their everyday work challenges.
On that ocassion, the president Quoden congratulated to Ekopak for results achieved, and showed his rediness for futher support in strengthening system for package material menagment and its waste in our country.
To add, Ekopak, as a valid member of Expra from 2015, has got a trust to organize last year meeting of Expra members for Balkan countries, at which they discuss about achieved results, currents challenges, and implementation the latest EU law solutions.