Decree on waste management information system has been published in Official Newspaper FBIH number 97/18 from 05.12.2018. 

FBIH Government  voted on the mentioned Decree on 165. session held on 29.11.2018.


The Decree establishes the actors responsible for the establishment of this system, the organization, the structure and manner of its management, the planning and establishment stages, the roles and obligations of all users / entities of the information system, and the availability of this system.

According to the FBiH Environmental Protection Strategy, a unique information system will be introduced in the entire Federation of BiH, which combines the flow of information on all types of waste, providing an easy and efficient access to technical, legal, institutional and financial information.

Decree on waste management information system has been published in Official Newspaper FBIH number 97/18 from 05.12.2018. years and can be found on a following 

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