Ekopak successfully achieved the target of 25% for recycling and recovery of packaging waste in 2015, as well as specific objectives for all packaging materials
The first licensed operator for the packaging and packaging waste management, Ekopak has in accordance with the requirements of the Regulations, at 31.03.2016.godine fulfilled his obligation and submitted the report on the management of packaging and packaging waste to the Federal Ministry of environment and Tourism and the Environmental Protection Federation.
More than 500 packaging producers, importers, fillers, distributors and merchants/traders pointed their trust Ekopak and transferred its legal obligations in 2015 and thus took part in the establishment of the Green dot system in BiH, ie. transparent, sustainable and efficient management of packaging and packaging in the Federation.
In accordance with these commitments, Ekopak is thanks to a
network of private collectors and public utilities from the Federation
submitted to the recycling and utilization more than 8,000 tons of all kinds of
packaging waste, thus fulfilling the goal of recycling and utilization of 25%,
and the specific objectives of the packaging materials to follows: 8% glass,
25% paper, metal 6%, plastic 12%, 8% wood, multi-layer material 8% and other
materials 8%, comprising a packaging timber and/or contaminated with hazardous
materials is 8%. With a proud we emphasize that have crossed targets for
materials that have no market value, and its market value below the cost of
collection and export the recycling and utilization up to 90% for glass,
multi-layer packaging 112%, and packaging containing and / or contaminated
hazardous substances by 14%.
Number of municipalities with which is system for the selective disposal of packaging
waste successfully establishing is increased. In 2015 he provided the primary
waste selection municipalities of Kresevo, Kiseljak, Foca-Ustikolina, Travnik
and Sarajevo Canton and PC National Park Una. In addition, Ekopak continued to
carry out investments in municipal infrastructure municipalities with which contracts
were signed in the past.
It is implemented a numerous activities and projects aimed
at educating and promoting capacity building for separate collection and
recycling of packaging waste, from educational projects for children to educate
citizens in the local community.
Ekopak has won in November 2015 another important international recognition by
becoming a member of Expra, which has become one of the organizations that
promote extended producer responsibility of packaging waste and the working
principle of "non-profit" and through Ekopak has access to the best
European practices and expertise of international experts who have the results
in the establishment and development of the system in their countries.