All educational institutions in the Municipality of Gracanica are enabled to participate in the recycling of packaging waste
Gracanica, 04.11.2015. - Today was held the handover of bins for separate disposal of packaging waste for all kindergartens, primary and secondary schools in the Municipality of Gracanica.
Through the purchase of bins for all kindergartens, primary and secondary schools, Ekopak expands existing cooperation with PC Komus and the Municipality of Gracanica, with an aim to enable for all citizens of the municipality, especially the youngest, to separately dispose packaging waste which will be transported to recycling. "In the current implementation of the project with Ekopak, the PC Komus included more than 7,500 residents in the activities of packaging waste collection, and during the last two years of cooperation we collected approximately 65 tons of packaging waste that is transported to recycling," said Senad Memic manager of PC Komus Gracanica.
The Municipality of Gracanica is an example of best practice of establishing the Green Dot System that non-profit company Ekopak builds in our country, based on the support of the packaging industry that transferred its legal obligations for recycling to Ekopak. By extending the project to the educational institutions, according to the best practices of the member countries of PRO EUROPE, Ekopak aims to increase awareness of the youngest generations about the importance of recycling and recovery of packaging waste. After the handover of bins, it is announced that educational play for children "The Tvrle ecologist", will be played tomorrow.
The municipality of Gracanica is one of the first municipalities that signed a cooperation agreement with the non-profit company Ekopak and joined the Green Dot System for recycling and recovery of packaging waste. Ekopak so far invested in the Municipality of Gracanica near 50.000 KM to establish 7 eco islands, co-financed the landscaping of areas and purchase of vehicles for the transport of the collected packaging waste.