Ekopak, Municipality Kiseljak and "Vodovod i kanalizacije" signed a contract on the establishment and development of the Green Dot system
Mladen Mišurić Ramljak, mayor of Kiseljak municipality, Mladen Medić director of ''Vodovod i kanalizacije“and Amela Hrbat Director of Ekopak, signed a contract on the establishment and development of the Green Dot system - for selective disposal of packaging waste and its preparation for recycling in Kiseljak.
By signing this agreement, Kiseljak will join the municipalities where Ekopak already begun the process of establishing an efficient, transparent, long-term and sustainable system for managing packaging and packaging waste in BiH, modeled on European models. The contract provides procurement of vehicles for the transport of the collected packaging waste and the establishment of five eco-islands which will with existing eco-islands "cover" more than half of the population of municipality.
"The municipality of Kiseljak is 14th municipality in F BiH that is joining Ekopak. I can only praise this municipality that have already separating waste for disposal and I believe that our cooperation will further enhance the development of the system" said Amela Hrbat, director of Ekopak.
''I am really glad that we're one of the 14 municipalities that entered the Ekopak system. Although we have already started with the disposal and collection system, today's agreement will greatly unburden our municipality of the waste and start recycling process '' said mayor Mladen Mišurić - Ramljak .
Director JP ''Vodovod i kanalizacije'' Mladen Medić, stressed the importance of signing the contract with Ekopak. ''The goal is to ultimately cover Kiseljak with eco-islands. Up to now we have provided 45% of coverage and only the rural areas of the municipality are not covered'' said Medić.
With adequate investment in community infrastructure needed for the selective disposal of packaging waste in the municipality, Ekopak will in future realize activities with the intention of educating the citizens of Kiseljak about the correct disposal of packaging waste.